We offer several venues for discussing books, films, or other library resources. In addition, we regularly partner with local organizations for community-wide reading programs.
Want to join?
All of our discussions are free, open to the public, and always welcome new members! Book group selections are available for checkout at the library, through interlibrary loan and area libraries with whom we have reciprocal borrowing. Be sure to also check out availability through Libby by Overdrive and Hoopla!
Adult Discussion Groups
Documentary and Donuts
Stop by the library on the second Friday of each month for coffee, donuts, and a documentary film showing. Check out our events calendar for upcoming film selections!
International Mystery Book Group
This discussion meets monthly on 2nd Thursdays at 7 PM.
International Mystery Book Discussion is a drop-in book discussion group that enjoys traveling the world vicariously through mystery novels. The informal discussions last one hour and there are usually tasty snacks available. Check out our events calendar for upcoming reads! Copies of the selected read will be available to sign out at the Adult Information Desk approximately four weeks before the next discussion.
Muffins and the Market
This group meets on 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 9 AM during the months of September through May.
Discuss recent market trends with an expert in the field. Presenter Warren Fritz covers new investment information sources, ways to investigate a market sector, types of investment vehicles, and more. Learn about all the free resources the library has to help you grow your finances. Coffee and baked goods are available at each meeting.
Plots and Pages: A Local Writers’ Group
Plots and Pages meets monthly on the 2nd Monday of the month at 6:30 PM from September to May.
It is a group for local writers hosted by local writers. Join other attendees for a discussion about the craft of writing hosted by author Mark Love. Whether you are an experienced author or just beginning your writing journey, you are welcome to join this group for writers. Each month, a new topic of discussion will be introduced followed by an opportunity to read some of your own in-progress work and receive feedback from the group. All genres are welcome.
Youth Book Clubs
Check our calendar of events for age specific book clubs for kids. Registration is required for these types of programs.
Are you part of a book group?
Ask us about our resources for book groups including our Book Discussion in a Bag kits.