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Category: Encyclopedias

Encyclopedias Databases
Britannica SchoolMEL Database

Nonfiction content geared for K-12 students. Includes over 132,000 encyclopedia articles, 103,000 images, 7,500 multimedia elements, more than 27,000 eBooks, and novels, and essays. Tools include translation for 50+ languages and read-aloud functionality. Includes Lexile ranges and alignment with Michigan Department of Education Academic Standards across a variety of subjects.

Gale eBooksMEL Database

This is an extensive set of online reference books available to you from home from any computer with your library card. It includes multiple encyclopedias of different types, biographies, directories, and other types of reference materials for all ages. There is a base collection of works purchased by MeL which has been augmented by additional titles purchased by the Portage District Library.


Grades PreK – 5. Bilingual resources – visual dictionary, world of animals, encyclopedia articles, and Spanish language newspapers. Eight categories to browse: arts, history and government, people, places, plants and animals, science and mathematics, sports and hobbies, and world religions. The visual dictionary includes thousands of images and more than 12,000 labels. Save, print, or email content. Michigan residents or Michigan library access only.


Grades PreK-5. Follow Trek and Taffy the cat around the world learning about colors, numbers and other fun things. Strengthen reading foundations with stories, activities and videos. Explore the Know It encyclopedia designed especially for early readers. Includes materials for educators. Michigan residents or Michigan library access only.
