Free Study/Meeting Rooms
The library has eight free study/meeting rooms available on the main level of the library and five more in the youth and teen areas. These rooms can be used for up to two hours at a time. Some of these rooms can be reserved in advance and others are available for walk-in use only. The capacities range from two people to eight people. Some rooms are limited to use by students only.
Community Meeting Room Rentals
The Library provides community meeting rooms for Library programs as well as Library business meetings. When the community meeting rooms are not scheduled for Library-sponsored or co-sponsored events, they may be rented to any person 18 or older for any group or organization, within the parameters of use set by Library Board approved policy. Room rentals are only accepted up to two months in advance.
The community meeting rooms are intended to host organized meetings and are not available for private, party-type functions such as birthday parties, showers, or sales of goods or services, except as specified in the policy for Library-sponsored events. Please review our rules of use document before reserving a room.
We offer chairs and tables to accommodate the needs of each community meeting room rental, 70″ mobile monitors for computer presentations and lecterns. Each room has built in white boards. Upon request, we will provide appropriate markers, erasers, and cleaning solution for use on our whiteboards.